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UK National VMUG Conference 2018 – Automation

Presented for my 8th Year at the UK VMUG Conference 12 weeks ago on all things automation. Always a big thanks to the VMUG team for allowing me to present. I brought my usual humour with me and even showed a prototype app I’ve been working on called Project Hermes for putting a UI to automation tools that use JSON or YAML files to send instructions. Anyway, my sponsors listed below coughed up a ton of prizes and in the end only 21 people entered my competition and most people won 2 prizes and some 3 as I had that many. However, if you missed out Vembu are giving you a 2nd chance by filling in a survey found by clicking >HERE<

Anyway big shout out to the sponsors who donated prizes to my sessions:

Santa is coming with freebies at UK VMUG Conference.


I managed to cadge some freebies from @Unitrends @Opvizor @AltaroSoftware and @remotedeskman to give out at the 2 sessions I’m presenting.


The first is a whiteboard round table on tips for Backing up VMs in which I have 3 licences to give out from @AltaroSoftware and @Opvizor and the second is session I’m co-presenting with @LegoYoda on Migrating from vCloud Director to vRealize Automatoin in private cloud environments. First 80 people get a free license from Unitrends and people asking great questions will get 1 of 10 free Remote desktop Manager licenses I have.


Register here for the event >

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