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IT History

Looking for sponsor to share and celebrate 10 years.

Party Time

Few months from now I will be celebrating 10 years of blogging on Virtualization, Cloud and EUC and I’m looking to complete my line up of sponsors. On November 5th 2015 that will be a decade of dedication and the people that have supported me will share the limelight.  If you are interested in sponsoring my site please send me an email  I’m not pimping myself out to every vendor but I do have a few spots free.

10 years of blogging about VMware

2015 and I’m proud to say on November the 5th  this year I’ve been blogging about VMware/Virtualisation/Cloud for 10 years. For the last decade I’ve had the time of my life and it’s all because of VMware. Of recent I revamped my website and now have some great sponsors. I’d like to thank in no particular order my Sponsors who now help to fund things like hosting and lab update costs.


  • Unitrends
  • Vmturbo
  • Devolutions
  • Tegile
  • Liquidware Labs
  • Veeam
  • Uniprint
  • Rackware
  • Opvizor
  • Starwind
  • Zerto

So yup, 10 years of blogging. I’m even thinking about a community party somewhere.

I plan follow-up posts discussing the journey along the way. I started with a flat HTML website and then switched to a MAMBO content management and then in 2008 I switched to WordPress.

I want to wish everybody in the industry a prosperous 2015 and I hope you like the new blog look.

Rewind the future

I’m going to start something here which I haven’t seen many bloggers in our industry do before. I’m going to pay homage to people I think impacted and prepared us for where we are today. I feel our community is large and vast but if you asked most people “where did modern day computing all start” they have no clue. I don’t want this section to be a dull history lesson ( that’s what Wikipedia is for) but rather a short (snippet) insight to how it all happened. Some of it I know firsthand and some of it I will like you have to research.

My first post has to obviously go to Charles Babbage.

Charles Babbage is the person history sees as the inventor of computers. He was a mathematician and a mechanical engineer and lived in the London in the 1800s. At the time numerical tables were calculated by humans and were called “computers” (people who computed things). In an effort to reduce humans errors created by human computers Babbage started work on the first mechanical computer known as the difference engine. He never completed construction of it. He then set about designing a much more improved version called the “Difference Engine No 2”. He didn’t even start to build this machine before designing his next machine known as the “Analytical Engine”.  He took work on this machine to his death bed before completing it, but the improvement with this design is the Analytical Engine could be programmed by punch cards.

In 1991 the London Science Museum built the Difference Engine No 2 from Babbage’s original plans to discover that it truly did work and had as equal power to modern day pocket calculators.


I found this quote I love from Babbage:

(Charles Babbage: At each increase of knowledge, as well as on the contrivance of every new tool, human labour becomes abridged)

And I think its apt to what we do today in the IT world. As we gain knowledge and make use of useful tools, manual work required decreases 

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